In his parable of the tares and the wheat Christ Jesus taught the great lesson that good and evil—the real and the unreal—are separated at harvest time, and the evil is destroyed. He explained (Matt. 13:39), "The harvest is the end of the world." The end of worldliness, of materialism, comes to each one as he learns through Christian Science that the mortal senses constitute a false mode of thought which presents all things created in a limited and material interpretation, and that spiritual sense alone reveals God's creation in its true conception—infinite and spiritual.

Christian Science reveals the truth that man is God's spiritual and immutable image and that the physical senses are a suppositional addition to the individuality which Spirit makes and maintains eternally. The harvest of Christian Science comes when one stops believing in the reality of this mortal admixture and begins to prove in a practical way that man is purely spiritual. This proof is the awakening from the delusion of life in matter that regenerates and purifies the human self. Mary Baker Eddy says in "Miscellaneous Writings" (pp. 214, 215): "The Christian Scientist cannot heal the sick, and take error along with Truth, either in the recognition or approbation of it. This would prevent the possibility of destroying the tares: they must be separated from the wheat before they can be burned, and Jesus foretold the harvest hour and the final destruction of error through this very process,—the sifting and the fire."

Too often men attempt to bring God down into the mortal sense of life. They long to retain their seeming material consciousness, but to have it satisfactory. But Christian Science teaches them to turn away from the mortal sense and seek full satisfaction in the spiritual reality of existence by demonstrating the perfection of character that is natural to man in God's image. The material must become unreal to us and the peace and joy, the justice and love, of real being must be recognized as the only reality if our harvest of spiritual substance is to be garnered.

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October 17, 1953

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