[Original testimony in German]

Christian Science is the greatest...

Christian Science is the greatest blessing in my life. It is the highest and holiest gift ever bestowed on me; hence, I should like to express here my profound gratitude. I have been richly blessed in the endeavor to help carry on the redemptive, healing work of our beloved Leader. Mary Baker Eddy. Through the recognition of man's unity with God all my difficulties have been solved during more than twenty years.

Mrs. Eddy writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 273), "Divine Science reverses the false testimony of the material senses, and thus tears away the foundations of error." I remembered this truth several years ago when I had to overcome a very severe cold. In this condition, with a high fever and a troublesome cough, I had to leave my homeland. Christian Science friends who were with me lovingly gave me their support; so I was able to spend days and nights in very cold places without fear. While in an open vehicle on the highway during an icy snowstorm I felt wrapped in the cloak of divine Love, where fear had no place. The adverse conditions gradually lessened, and after reaching Bavaria I was able to work out of my physical difficulty in quietness.

Some time later, for the sake of government papers, an X-ray photograph had to be taken to determine the state of my health. The picture showed badly scarred pulmonary lobes which had just recently healed over. Then I knew the severity of the condition I had overcome and was very grateful for my wonderful healing through divine Truth.

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Testimony of Healing
Looking back over my many...
January 3, 1953

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