About twenty years ago I accepted...

About twenty years ago I accepted an invitation to attend a Sunday morning service in a Church of Christ, Scientist, but I knew nothing about Christian Science at the time. I had rarely been inside any church for many years. The service made a deep impression on me. A few days later a desire came to me to read Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. I obtained a copy of it and began to read it during my spare time. I started attending the Sunday church services regularly, but not the Wednesday evening testimony meetings, because these seemed to me to intended for those who were sick and unhappy, and I had no immediate need in that direction.

About a year later I became aware that the desire for alcoholic drinks had been healed. A considerable supply of liquor was then destroyed. Since that time I have never had the slightest desire for it. During the same period habitual profanity was also healed.

I became deeply interested subsequently in the study of Christian Science, and a few years later I considered church membership. However, I found the tobacco habit to be quite a problem. Several times I gave up smoking for long periods, and then in unguarded moments I took it up again. Finally, with the help of a practitioner, the decision to abandon this false appetite was made, and that was the end of it.

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Testimony of Healing
"And God said ... let them have...
August 18, 1951

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