My deep gratitude to God for...

My deep gratitude to God for the privilege of having been reared in Christian Science continues to increase each day.

Our family began to reap the benefits of the teachings of Christian Science more than forty years ago, when a younger sister was completely healed of what had been diagnosed as tuberculosis of the bowels. The condition was considered so serious that the family physician had predicted that it would prove fatal within twenty-four hours.

My grandmother, who had become interested in Christian Science through her healing of a nervous disorder, asked my mother to give Christian Science a trial. It was agreed to ask a practitioner to come to the home. When she arrived, she lovingly reassured my mother and gave the young child a Christian Science treatment, with the result that she was so greatly improved by the next morning that she was able to be out of doors. Complete healing followed, and it proved permanent.

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Testimony of Healing
During an October dry spell in...
November 24, 1951

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