On page 4 of "Pulpit and Press" in her dedicatory sermon our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, points to the cumulative effect of individual effort. Here she writes, "A single drop of water may help to hide the stars, or crown the tree with blossoms."

Christian Scientists throughout the Field are becoming more and more interested in the Sunday School work, and the result of their effort is shown in increased enrollment of pupils, more regularity in attendance, and improved teaching. One of the members of a society in a small midwestern town which had no Sunday School felt keenly that the teachings of Christian Science should be made available to the children of the community. Because of her great interest, she was asked to undertake the work of starting a Sunday School and was appointed superintendent. On the following Sunday she came to Sunday School with three children to be enrolled. In less than a year there were twelve pupils in the Sunday School and three teachers. From the time the Sunday School was started, the church attendance began to increase.

Another church in a small midwestern town a little more than a year ago had an average attendance of five pupils. This church is located in a sparsely settled area, and some members of its congregation drive as far as twenty-five miles to attend services. It was thought that because of these conditions attendance at church and Sunday School was not all it might be. So at a membership meeting in October, 1949, it was voted to try out the plan of having Sunday School at the same hour as the church service, provided temporary quarters could be found.

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