Our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, says in...

Our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, says in the textbook. Science and Health (p. 390), "It is our ignorance of God, the divine Principle, which produces apparent discord, and the right understanding of Him restores harmony."

Through learning about God and my relationship to Him, I was completely and permanently healed over a period of years of such discordant conditions as bronchitis, headaches, common colds, indigestion, and hay fever. "The right understanding of Him"' was gained through my attendance at Wednesday testimony meetings, Sunday church services, and Christian Science lectures, also through visiting the Reading Rooms and studying the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly.

Several years ago I was stricken in the night with pain of such seventy that I was prostrated with fear and suffering. I immediately sought the help of a Christian Science practitioner, who prayed for me for social days. She came to my home and lovingly turned my thought to God's power and presence; this greatly encouraged me. Treatments were given, and I began to study in earnest. I read on page 488 of the textbook, "Christian Science sustains with immortal proof the impossibility of any material sense, and defines these so-called senses as mortal beliefs. the testimony of which cannot be true either of man or of his Maker." I was confident that Christian Science would sustain me, as the first part of the statement said, but the remainder of it I had to accept without understanding it, until I had gained an increased appreciation of our beloved Leaders devotion and her magnificent work for humanity. This was obtained through many weeks' study of all her writings.

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Testimony of Healing
With this testimony I wish to express...
March 25, 1950

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