To God, to Christ Jesus, to Mary Baker Eddy...

To God, to Christ Jesus, to Mary Baker Eddy, and to all those who have labored that others might enjoy the blessings of the truth, my heart goes out in deepest gratitude.

When I was about fourteen, our home was dissolved. I had been considered very frail as a child, and this added misfortune seemed to overwhelm me. My mother, who was then a young student of Christian Science, was striving to keep the family intact. There were four of us children, and we realized that we would have to help.

The burden seemed so great upon me that I found myself unable to work. At one time I was confined to my bed with both limbs in a cast, to remain there for several months. This was a strange experience for me, as I had attended the Christian Science Sunday School, but I did not seem ready to rely completely on Christian Science.

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Signs of the Times
March 11, 1950

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