[Original testimony in French]

I first came to know about Christian Science...

I first came to know about Christian Science when I was in Algeria during World War II through reading the open copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy which was on display in the window of the Christian Science Rest Room for the Allied Forces. From that day, when I finally found the correct concept of God, my spiritual understanding has constantly grown, and many blessing have been received.

I was entrusted with an extremely dangerous mission which was to last throughout the war. Thanks to the help of my French, British, and American Christian Science friends, I overcame a false sense of courage and many insidious suggestions of danger. Later on certain tropical diseases, including malaria, completely disappeared from my experience as I discarded all medicine and realized the truth that man abides in divine Love.

Our children have been healed in Christian Science with the help of a consecrated practitioner: the eldest child of stomach trouble and the second of various aggressive forms of poisoning. Our family life has been maintained and sustained many times when animal magnetism seemed to try us. At the present time a better sense of Life, gained through our study of Christian Science, is enabling us to realize the source of true supply. We have never been deprived of any needful thing, despite the difficult years of the occupation, liberation, and reorganization of our territory. In particular we have received clothing and food packages through the charitable avenues of The Mother Church when poverty and lack seemed greatest. I feel boundless gratitude to the practitioner and devoted friend who has guided us Spiritward. I also feel very happy for being a member of The Mother Church.

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Testimony of Healing
We read in Psalms (34:1), "I...
December 9, 1950

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