A major subject, equipping one for the entire curriculum


[Of Special Interest to Young People]

It is natural to be successful. Lack of success is usually the result of accepting two limiting suggestions: (1) we do not have sufficient ability and intelligence; (2) we possess ability and intelligence of ourselves. It is not possible to accept one of these arguments of mortal mind without accepting the other.

The teachings of Christian Science quickly and simply show the error of these two suggestions. Christian Science demonstrates that man is idea, having his being in Mind, God. It follows that the Life of man is Mind, and that man expresses Mind's intelligence. Christian Science also teaches that God, Mind, is Love. Therefore, the expression of Love must be the expression of intelligence. Now, let us apply these truths to our school work. As we strive to express more of the qualities of divine Love in our daily life, we shall find ourselves expressing more intelligence and accomplishing deeds we would not before have attempted. We shall progressively realize the oneness of Life, Mind, and Love, and thereby see the nothingness of the first limiting suggestion.

The second limiting suggestion, that we possess ability and intelligence of ourselves, often presents itself. The fact that God is Mind and man is His idea makes it apparent that all true intelligence and ability is of God. Jesus expressed this truth when he said (John 5:30), "I can of mine own self do nothing," and (John 14:10), "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." Consider the relation of the sun and a sunbeam. Suppose the sunbeam decided to take its light and proceed by itself. What would happen to it? It would lose its light, cease to be. Similarly, if we think of ourselves as material persons separated from God and possessing ability and intelligence of ourselves, we cannot hope to be any more successful than the straying sunbeam. In reality man cannot separate himself from God or cease to express Him any more than a sunbeam can separate itself from the sun. Thus we can see that our success in our schoolwork will be in proportion to our recognition of God as the source of our ability and intelligence.

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June 4, 1949

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