Signs of the Times

The Kingdom of God

The Rev. J. McCleery, in a broadcast sermon reported in The Lisburn Standard County Antrim, Northern Ireland

In the American magazine Power for December, 1942, was the following: "According to the theory of aerodynamics, and as may be readily demonstrated through windtunnel experiments, the bumblebee is unable to fly. This is because the size, weight and shape of his body in relation to his wingspread, make flying impossible, but the bumblebee, being ignorant of these scientific truths, goes ahead and flies anyway and makes a little honey every day"! There was a good sermon in that.

"Whoever practices the religion of the Beatitudes, the Gospel parables and the Lord's Prayer, whoever is baptized with the spirit of Jesus Christ in his heart, whoever loves justice and mercy, whoever loves God and his neighbor, regardless of creed or sect—these are they who worship God and serve men. ... If only some of the six hundred million Christians in the world were to say, 'It is enough; we have had enough selfishness, enough envy, jealousy, racial superiority, false nationalism; we have had enough fighting for money, enough jeopardizing of the very soul of our race.' ... If you would say it even, it would help. The only way Christianity can function properly is through you and through me." We had to be the Christians of Christ [Jesus]. We had to walk by his spirit, show the fruits of his spirit in our lives.

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March 19, 1949

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