
Church Membership—True Enlistment

A member recently wrote, "Thank you for my enlistment." He was undoubtedly familiar with the statement on page 450 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy which reads, "The Christian Scientist has enlisted to lessen evil, disease, and death." Membership in The Mother Church is part of the armor of the Christian Scientist who has dedicated himself to the lessening of evil in every form.

One earnestly considering membership should carefully ponder the requirements set forth in the Manual of The Mother Church and fill out the application according to directions. The accompanying questionnaire should also be filled out in every detail. The closing date for the receipt of applications for the next admission of members is April 25, 1949. The admission date is June 3, 1949.

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Church Dedications
March 19, 1949

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