Of Good Report

Between January, 1925, and January, 1949, fifteen of the thirty-three branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, in Greater New York were freed from debt and formally dedicated, largely through the efforts of the Christian Science Dedication Committee of Greater New York. The first meeting of this committee was held in November, 1924. Soon afterwards the boards of trustees of all the churches and societies in this area formed a committee of representatives of the three then dedicated churches to "promote the dedication of Christian Science church edifices in Greater New York, and to encourage an increasing realization of the privilege and responsibility of the members for a more consecrated and co-operative sense of church dedication, and a greater demonstration of unity."

Within a month of its organization fifteen branch churches were participating in the committee's work, and by 1934 all thirty-three churches were participating.

The general committee is composed of one representative from each church in Greater New York and convenes overs three months. A representative from each of the dedicated churches constitutes the executive committee, which meets monthly.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science brings lifetime of good health
March 12, 1949

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