Wider horizons of accomplishment appear to those who are inspired of God


To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings," writes Mary Baker Eddy on page vii of the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the book which has wrought a revolution in religious thought throughout the world, bringing to human consciousness the scientific revelation of divine power, its scope and ever-avail-ability. This wonderful book is rending the veil cast over the teachings of Christ Jesus by doctrinal religion and is revealing the transforming and healing power of divine Principle on human thought. The meaning of the word "infinite" transcends all human limitations, revealing the immeasurable horizon of accomplishment open to those who are inspired of God, attuned to divine omnipotence, obedient to the divine vision, and awake to divine direction. It annihilates the frontiers or barriers erected by the human mind—its traditions, habits, experience, and education. Mrs. Eddy writes (ibid., p. 336), "Allness is the measure of the infinite, and nothing less can express God."

God, the infinite All, is all-inclusive and illimitable, and therefore He is ever self-sustaining and omnipresent. He is immeasurable self-knowledge or omniscience. He is all-power or omnipotence. To him who approximates an understanding of the infinite, leaning on Him for true being, direction, substance, life, and love, blessings are ever boundless, endless, eternal.

In sublime acknowledgment of the "sustaining infinite" Christ Jesus summed up the scope and purpose of his great earthly mission in the following words (John 16:28): "I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father." Between these two great events he moved among mortals, ever breaking down the finite barriers of mortality and revealing by his healing works and later by his resurrection and ascension his inseparability from his spiritual source, He completed every task and removed every limitation. Thus it was established for all time and eternity that the dominion bestowed upon man is inseparable from the spiritual idea, and that it bases the attainment of immortality through consecrated understanding and overcoming in the manner manifested by Christ Jesus. His unswerving consciousness of man's oneness in relationship to God sets before us the achievement of spiritual identity and a resultant release from the finity of personal sense, replacing it with freedom, harmony, spiritual joy, even man's glorious selfhood. Jesus blazed the trail and won the victory. His example is for our acceptance and demonstration.

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February 19, 1949

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