Anyone who understands that he is God's child, under the infallible government of his divine Parent, and who reveals himself progressively as God's offspring in the way taught by Christian Science, receives guidance. Such an individual inevitably sees the dissipation of schemes or hopes by which willful human sense would limit him under the guise of bringing him good. Simultaneously or ultimately he will be aware of his unobstructed, onward march towards his divine destiny as the individual spiritual idea by which God expresses Himself. Implied in this awareness is the sense of satisfying, useful, and rewarding activity befitting his true individuality.

This is in accord with the promise of Christian Science eloquently stated b Mary Baker Eddy in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 19): "He who has named the name of Christ, who has virtually accepted the divine claims of Truth and Love in divine Science, is daily departing from evil; and all the wicked endeavors of suppositional demons can never change the current of that life from steadfastly flowing on to God, its divine source."

Perhaps the chief reason why humanity believes itself beset by the sense of floundering from lack of guidance lies in the unwillingness of the so-called human mind to accept "the divine claims of Truth and Love." And this unwillingness may be, in turn, the objectification of the human mind's tragic ignorance of the fact that "the divine claims" are precisely what it should most desire to accept. Everyone desires health, unobstructed use of his talents, love, removal of fear from his thought, joy, substance, and abundant life. And these, and kindred effects, are what he receives, or rather finds belonging to himself, when he accepts "the divine claims of Truth and Love."

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February 12, 1949

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