I am very grateful for having...

I am very grateful for having been healed of the need of wearing glasses through the application of Christian Science. I had found it necessary to use glasses for several years because of astigmatism. The healing took place over three years ago as a result of the earnest application of the truths about God and man as revealed by our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy. How wonderfully helpful is her definition of eyes as "spiritual discernment,— not material but mental" (Science and Health, p. 586)!

While I was pondering this definition, the thought came to me that as my spiritual discernment increased, my eyesight would improve. Then I discovered a subtle mistake in this line of reasoning. I was starting from a human premise. In practicing Christian Science, one should always begin with God. To begin with God would be to begin with unlimited spiritual discernment, with unimpaired vision. I realized that since man is the reflection of God, in reality I was constantly manifesting perfect discernment and consequently unlimited eyesight.

While I was convinced that this was the truth, I was still fearful about removing my glasses. The penetrating question in Mrs. Eddy's Communion Hymn (Poems, p. 75), "Felt ye the power of the Word:" strengthened me. I knew that the Word was all-powerful, that it was ever operative, and that Truth did not need to wait for my full understanding of it in order to operate. The fear of the pain lessened.

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Signs of the Times
November 6, 1948

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