Christian Science Committee on Publication for Kansas Reports

There was a session of the Kansas Legislature starting in January, 1945. In order to protect the rights of Christian Scientists, amendments were offered to a number of the bills, and in every case they were readily accepted. Some of the measures which would have been objectionable otherwise were provided with satisfactory exemptive provisions by the authors of the bills.

No measures affecting Christian Scientists adversely were passed at the 1945 session of the legislature. The Kansas legislators continue to manifest the unbiased and friendly attitude toward our religion which has characterized their actions for many years.

An important indication of increasing friendliness is the fact that a larger number of legislators than ever before accepted subscriptions to The Christian Science Monitor during the recent session. One prominent member said, "I am a Presbyterian, but I regard the Monitor as one of our best publications in America, and welcome this opportunity to receive these issues." Certainly the Monitor has had an important part in establishing a fair attitude toward our religion.

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