
Rehabilitation is a word frequently used in connection with the men and women of the armed services. Such use of the word implies that there is a policy for restoring to these service people, as quickly and as harmoniously as possible, their rights and privileges as citizens, their homes and employment, and the many desirable things which go to make up life in a free and democratic land. Democratic governments recognize that these rights are the heritage of their citizens and not one of them must be abrogated.

In a similar manner, but from a spiritual basis, Christian Science teaches and demonstrates that man, made in the image and likeness of God, possesses, by reflection all the attributes of infinite Mind, and that these attributes cannot be forfeited, nor can man's rights be set aside, canceled, altered or destroyed.

There are two reasons for this. One may be summarized in the words of Mary Baker Eddy, who has written in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 470), "God is the creator of man and, the divine Principle of man remaining perfect, the divine idea or reflection, man remains perfect." This is simple logic deduced from the fact that the nature of the source determines the nature of that which proceeds from the source.

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God's Man Knows No Impairment
November 10, 1945

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