When recording the healings...

When recording the healings brought about by Jesus, the writers of the Gospels sometimes used the word "immediately" or "straightway" to indicate that no lapse of time was necessary for the healing to be acknowledged. I am very grateful for the sense of the presence of God and of His healing power which is given us in these words "immediately" and "straightway."

The practical reality of this healing power has been proved in my own experience, and I should like to express thanks for three instantaneous healings which I have had with the help of practitioners. An attack of influenza was healed within a few hours after a request for absent treatment was made. This occurred some ten years ago, and there has never been any recurrence of this trouble. An internal pain was healed one night after a talk with a practitioner on the subject of the Lesson-Sermon for the week from the Christian Science Quarterly, which was "Man." The pain was of a throbbing nature and had been in evidence for a few weeks, but there was no medical diagnosis, so I cannot give it any name. More recently, constipation was healed by a practitioner within two hours of the receipt of my letter asking for help.

I am also grateful for class instruction, which I was able to take as arranged, in spite of having been called up the day before the class was due to start for full-time police duties at the beginning of the war. In this connection I must express my appreciation of the kindness of the authorities concerned, who so arranged my duties that I was free to attend every session of the class. For the greater understanding of Principle which has come as a result of this teaching, for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church, and for the joy of serving the latter in various capacities I am increasingly grateful to our Father-Mother God.—Charles Romer-Lee, Datchet, Buckinghamshire, England.

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Testimony of Healing
Several years ago I was led to...
August 19, 1944

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