Church Dedications

Note: Christian Science churches are dedicated only when free from debt.

The Weekly Mirror

Minneapolis, Minnesota (First Church).

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Minneapolis, dedicated its church edifice on Sunday, February 6, 1944, at morning and evening services. The First Reader read a brief historical sketch of the church, which follows in part: "In 1888, a number of students of Christian Science began to hold meetings in Minneapolis.

"First Church of Christ, Scientist, Minneapolis, was organized and incorporated on Christmas Eve, 1892. In August, 1895, rooms for the Sunday services were obtained in the Masonic Temple, Hennepin Avenue at Sixth Street, and a Reading Room was opened on Nicollet Avenue. In June, 1897, larger rooms were needed. The church then moved to the Kindergarten Building, 313 Tenth Street South, and the Reading Room to the New York Life Building.

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Change of Address
July 15, 1944

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