The Art of Awareness

True wisdom is divine intelligence reflected, and every individual may reflect and utilize this wisdom. True knowledge is the antithesis of material knowledge, and has nothing in common with it. The art of awareness accompanies one's realization of his unity with God, omniscient Mind, and the active application of this basic fact to human problems.

In "Pulpit and Press" (p. 4) our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, makes this statement: "You have simply to preserve a scientific, positive sense of unity with your divine source, and daily demonstrate this." This daily demonstration truly comprises the art of awareness. Who that is constantly and consistently conscious of his unity with God as His perfect image and likeness would ally himself to sin or sickness? If the fact of man's unity with God were paramount in consciousness, one would instantly dispel such illusions as naturally as the sun, when it appears, disperses the mists of the morning.

The conscious awareness of man's at-one-ment with the Father-Mother God constitutes protection from every phase of error. No human attachment can so protect or so fortify. We become aware of our at-one-ment as we progress in our understanding of the allness of Spirit, God. Spirit is instantly available and ever present. What human friend can be thus described: never absent, always at hand, always at one with His child? Even a human parent must of necessity fall far short of such nearness or availability. The constant recognition of God's ever-presence is indeed our refuge and fortress. Even on the battlefield we can be aware of it, and so be perfectly secure. "If God be for us, who can be against us?"

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True Exercise
August 12, 1944

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