I wish to avail myself of the...

I wish to avail myself of the privilege of testifying to the healing and redeeming power of Christian Science.

When I was about nine years old I suffered intensely from a stomach trouble which kept me confined to my bed for over two months. It seemed that the treatments and medicine of the physicians did me no good. About this time a friend of my mother's recommended we try Christian Science. My mother called a Christian Science practitioner and treatment was given. In less than three days I was out of bed, and within a week I was completely healed. I am truly most grateful for this healing, for it has been a source of encouragement to my family and me all through the years. I am also most grateful for having had the privilege of attending the Christian Science Sunday School for several years following this healing.

Another healing which stands out in my thought is that of severe pain and suffering at monthly periods. For ten years during young womanhood I strayed from the teachings of Christian Science. During these years I suffered so severely each month that I was forced to stay in bed at least a full day. I took every kind of medicine which anyone told me of, and several special prescriptions were prepared for me, which brought only temporary relief. Then, in 1931, I began earnestly to study and practice Christian Science. With the loving help of a consecrated practitioner this trouble was met in a few months, and the healing has been permanent.

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Testimony of Healing
A deep sense of love and gratitude...
April 29, 1944

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