From the time a copy of the...

From the time a copy of the Christian Science Sentinel was placed in my hands, I recognized Christian Science as the truth about God and man, and began immediately to rely upon it in times of physical need. I read and reread the few copies of the Sentinel in my possession, and grasped enough of the teaching to convince me that it not only would heal physical discords, but would correct any erroneous situation that might present itself. Through all the years which have followed, Christian Science has met my needs in a truly beautiful way.

Upon taking up residence in a strange city some years ago, I turned to divine Mind for guidance, and was clearly directed to a Christian Science practitioner who has proved a veritable bulwark in times of storm and stress. I shall never cease to be grateful for her untiring patience and help, and for her constant directing of my thought to a spiritual basis.

Two healings stand out in my thought. About six years ago, while I was sitting at my desk late one evening, my left hand became suddenly paralyzed. So aggressive were the arguments that presented themselves that I sat up all night reading from our textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and working. I had in the meantime, asked for help from a Christian Science practitioner, who assured me emphatically that this was a lie, without power. I found it helpful at this time to study the definition of "good" in the Glossary of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy (p. 587). It became clear that since man is the image and likeness of God, good, man expresses omniaction. In three days I could hold food with the hand while eating. At the end of a week I resumed my regular duties in the business world, and have never had a recurrence of the condition.

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Testimony of Healing
With God directing my footsteps...
April 22, 1944

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