Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health (p. 495),...

Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health (p. 495), "God will heal the sick through man whenever man is governed by God." This fact was proved true in my husband's case.

My husband had been given up by several specialists, who had applied every remedy known to them, but to no avail. The condition was called locomotor ataxia. A practitioner took the case, and although it was a slow healing there was improvement from the start. Then came the day when healing was complete and my husband could take his place among people again, expressing normal activity.

One day when I went to the practitioner to report about my husband, she asked me why I looked so troubled. I told her it was because of varicose veins in my leg. She asked me how long I had suffered from them, and when I told her twenty years she said. "You have suffered twenty years too long." She gave me a treatment which resulted in an instantaneous healing.

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God's Child
March 18, 1944

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