
Listening for and hearing the voice of Truth results in spiritual understanding. The spiritual ideas received in this listening open the door to revelation and inspiration.

All noble and holy purposes are born in tranquil thought. Invention, discovery, art, and spiritual revelation reach that human consciousness which abides by "still waters," where untroubled reflecting brings unmarred reflection. In silence and quietude we may listen and hear. The Bible assures us, "In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."

A perpetual urge in the human breast is the ever-recurring demand for vacation. More often than not, the camera or fishing rod is an excuse to help one escape from the grind of the work-a-day world into cool forest-glade retreats, by quiet pools, or to far-flung hilltop expanses and rolling meadows. There we think we can rest and listen, meditate and muse.

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Love Will Not Forget
February 26, 1944

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