At the time I first heard of...

At the time I first heard of Christian Science, over forty years ago, I was much interested in the activities of an orthodox church, and was inclined to oppose and even ridicule what I had heard of the teachings of Christian Science.

I had been considered delicate from childhood, and an operation which I had had, left me physically weaker and mentally unhappy. Through a friend, my mother had secured some authorized Christian Science literature, and I agreed to read one of the small pamphlets. Because I was curious to learn why many persons opposed the statements given in Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, I got the book. While reading it I was healed not only of prejudice but of weakness and unhappiness.

Some weeks later, I had a bad accident, injuring myself severely. At that time I did not know of anyone who could heal except Mrs. Eddy. I did not know how to reach her to request help, and I was quite unwilling to resort again to medical aid. One day when in extreme pain I cried out, "I do not know how the healing is done, but I shall have to leave it with God alone." Instantly all pain left me. I was overjoyed. We went on a picnic the same day, and I did much strenuous climbing over rocks. Since then God has been my only physician.

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Testimony of Healing
When I was quite young, my...
October 28, 1944

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