You Need Not Be Separated

"Weeks have passed into months, and months into years, since last we met; but time and space, when encompassed by divine presence, do not separate us." Thus did Mrs. Eddy, as recorded on page 110 of "Miscellaneous Writings," welcome her students nearly half a century ago. Could there be today a more comforting assurance to people who are faced by the problem of being separated from loved ones? Divine presence does indeed encompass all of God's children, binding them together in unity.

What is separation? Webster says that to separate means "to disunite, disconnect, or sever;... to part, divide." What causes separation? Many people would answer, Time and space. Even from a human standpoint we cannot accept that as entirely true. Mere physical closeness does not preclude separation. It is possible to be in the same room with someone and yet feel far apart. Contrariwise, many have felt very close when miles intervened. In the latter instance it is the presence of love that makes the difference. The love that endures under strain is that which has lost much of self, that which sees man as God made him. It is not weakened by jealousy, selfishness, doubt, or fear.

Division and separation never come from God. God knows only oneness, one Mind, one Love, one presence. Recognize the argument of separation for what it is, a wile of the devil. Sometimes it tries to divide through strife or misunderstanding, sometimes through time and space. Sometimes, if one fails, it tries another. How the temptation comes is unimportant, but it is important to remember that it is only a lie, sponsored by a liar.

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July 17, 1943

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