Contending Persistently for Truth

There may be found everywhere those who yearn for freedom from strife, poverty, sickness, fear, and all that is opposed to good. The failure of the human race to accomplish right objectives may be traced to its reliance on material ways and means instead of on God alone. If men persist in contending for evil instead of good, for error instead of Truth, and for sickness and death instead of health and life, they cannot expect good results.

Through Christian Science, men are learning that God is all-powerful and ever-present Mind, Father-Mother, universal Love; that God is ever at hand to take care of His children; that man is God's own reflection, expressing only that which is good; and that so-called material life, which appears so real to the five physical senses, is but an illusion.

"But how can I contend for good when the forces of evil seem so apparent in the world, or when false beliefs so tenaciously occupy my thought that I can think of nothing else?" may be asked. Clear and specific directions are given in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, as to how to utilize the power of good in human experience, simultaneously neutralizing evil's claim to power. One such direction reads (p. 400), "By lifting thought above error, or disease, and contending persistently for truth, you destroy error." A dictionary defines "persist" in part as follows: "To stand firm; especially to continue fixed in a course of conduct against opposite motives; to persevere."

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God's Unerring Direction
June 14, 1941

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