When I came to Christian Science I was burdened with...

When I came to Christian Science I was burdened with grief, and had slept very little for three months. I was subject to appendicitis, severe toothache, and neuralgia; had weak eyes, and a weak heart. These have all been healed through my study of Christian Science.

I had been searching for help in various directions without success. In despair I turned to God, and prayed earnestly to be shown what it was right for me to do. In answer to my prayers I was led to visit my eldest sister in another state. She had been studying Christian Science, and told me it would help me.

After my first talk with a practitioner, I slept well all night. I had several further talks, and the practitioner very kindly told me how to apply the truth. She advised me to buy "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and to subscribe for and read the Christian Science periodicals. I found the book very absorbing, yet I read it in "fear and trembling," thinking I would only accept what I found good. When I had read it all, I was convinced that it was all good. God has healed my grief and filled my heart with peace, joy, and hope.

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Testimony of Healing
Words cannot express my ever-increasing gratitude for...
September 23, 1939

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