The Christianity taught by Christ Jesus included spiritual...

Sunday Times

The Christianity taught by Christ Jesus included spiritual or metaphysical healing. The basis of Christianity is love, the all-embracing love of the infinite creator for His infinite creation. Christ Jesus taught and demonstrated a practical and infallible system of Mind-healing. He required no medical diagnosis of any case that came to him. His metaphysical diagnosis placed every disease and human ill in its proper category of unreality. His healings were not supernatural or miraculous; they were the logical outcome of his understanding of the relationship of God and man. His words, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also," indicated that the power to heal as he healed can be gained by each human being who correctly follows his teachings.

On page 111 of Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy states, "The Principle of divine metaphysics is God; the practice of divine metaphysics is the utilization of the power of Truth over error." That is the gist of Christ Jesus' teaching and practice. He knew that, since God is perfect, His creation is perfect; that nothing in the form of sin, disease, or discord can be introduced into it. Through diligent search and study of the Bible and Science and Health, and by regulating our lives accordingly, we can rise to heights of spiritual thought which will enable us to heal those who are afflicted in mind, body, or estate. Through purification of thought, metaphysical healing becomes possible. Such purification is acquired and developed through constant striving to have that Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus." Proportionably to our constancy in dwelling in thought on the good, the pure, the true, and the holy, will these qualities be expressed in us. As our thoughts are directed more and more to the spiritual and harmonious, and dwell less and less on sin, disease, and fear, we become less and less liable to disturbance by aggressive suggestions of evil. When we become spiritually equipped, we are able to destroy the discords of material sense, and to manifest the power of Truth. "Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law."

The following will serve as witness to the efficacy of Christian Science treatment. One Tuesday evening about six years ago a woman, well known in Pretoria, stepped from a tram, thinking it had come to a stop. The tram was still moving, and in consequence she fell to the ground, fracturing her wrist in the fall. She telephoned to a Christian Science practitioner for help. No material aid was at any time applied or asked for. The following Saturday she was able to use the hand. On that day a medical practitioner attached to the institution of which the woman was in charge, having been told of the incident, examined the wrist and asked who had set the fracture. When told no one had done so, he expressed great surprise and said the wrist had set perfectly. As several who heard of the incident were doubtful if the wrist had really been broken, the woman had it X-rayed. The report on the photograph taken was: "Impacted Coole's fracture. R. radius. Fragments are in a satisfactory position." The wrist has since been as if it had never been broken.

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September 16, 1939

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