Signs of the Times

Topic: Rising above Difficulties

[Dr. Roy Campbell, as quoted in the Union, San Diego, California]

It makes a great difference in final results when we take our sense of disappointment, fear, or failure, into some upper mental room that looks away from the material picture and turns thought toward contemplation of God as the great power. In this upper room we find that we can rise above our difficulties and grow into strength of true character.

Jesus needed an "upper room" in which to have his last supper with his students. Down on the dusty street, jealousy, hatred, ignorance, and lust of power sought to destroy him. In the upper room he saw a way to turn what his enemies might seek to do to him into a great purpose. He would prove that divine Love could redeem all who relied upon it, and practiced it, from hate, or any form of evil.

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April 22, 1939

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