That "man's extremity is God's opportunity" was surely...

That "man's extremity is God's opportunity" was surely proved to me when Christian Science was first brought to my attention through my attending a Christian Science lecture.

At this time I was under medical treatment for nervous gastric ulcers. I had suffered from these for over twenty yeas and at the age of twenty-one had undergone a major operation, with no beneficial results. A few months after I attended the lecture, I had a severe attack. The doctor said he could do nothing other than that which had been done, and he doubted very much my recovering at all. I was put on a restricted diet and confined to my bed. All this time I had implicit faith in the healing efficacy of Christian Science, but did not understand how to apply it. In the midst of my humble yearning to be guided, a friend visited me and asked me to try Christian Science. The help of a practitioner was asked for on a Friday morning, and on the following Tuesday I was up and walking around outdoors, able to eat whatever I desired.

I am very grateful for this complete healing, and for many others since then, and for the loving, faithful help of the practitioner. I am also very grateful to Mrs. Eddy for her consecrated work, which has proved and is proving so great a benefit to mankind in every way. I am grateful for membership in The Mother Church and in one of its branches, and for the privilege of helping in its activities.

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Testimony of Healing
Many years ago, while I was out walking with my wife,...
April 1, 1939

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