With joy and gratitude for the many blessings which...

With joy and gratitude for the many blessings which have come to me through my understanding and application of Christian Science I give this testimony.

For six years I was crippled with what doctors called an incurable disease, rheumatoid arthritis of the spine. The pain at times was severe. I received treatment at hospital, but came home worse each time; and my people were told I should never walk again other than by a miracle.

Five years ago Christian Science was presented to me, and I was given a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy to read. My first reading was without understanding. Then I went to a Christian Science lecture, which made this Science much clearer to me. I knew I had found what I had been seeking, the Christ-healing. In three months I was healed of the rheumatoid arthritis. When I started to walk, one foot turned in rather badly, but this difficulty was very soon overcome, and from that time on I have been able to walk long distances without any sense of pain.

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Testimony of Healing
Not only do I want to express my gratitude to God for...
February 11, 1939

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