In gratitude to God, and to our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy,...

In gratitude to God, and to our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, I wish to express joy for numerous healings I have had through the study of Christian Science. It has opened the door to right thinking, and has revealed the "pearl of great price." How calmly and peacefully our Master went about, teaching and healing! And he left his beautiful example for us to follow. I am deeply grateful for the writings which our dear Leader has given to us.

I have been a student of Christian Science for over fourteen years, and am a member of The Mother Church and a branch church. I have numerous healings, one of a cancerous growth which was very pronounced. The healing took place rapidly. The lie about the truth, when looked squarely in the face, disappeared as a cake of ice in the warm sunshine. At first the condition seemed so real to me that I was overcome with a sense of fear, and yielded to the suggestion to consult a physician. After an examination was given he insisted on an operation at once, for he believed that delay would prove fatal. I said I would let him know my decision in the morning.

I called a Christian Science practitioner the next morning, which was Saturday, and on Sunday morning I was free. I attended church with my sons, took a walk in the afternoon, and, satisfied that the healing work was done, I rejoiced, praising God for His wonderful saving grace. On Monday morning, while I was preparing to return to my post of duty, the growth fell away. There was no hemorrhage, and no pain. I was filled with calm, sweet peace, returned to my work that day, to the amazement of my fellow workers, and did not have a moment's fear.

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Testimony of Healing
I am very grateful to Christian Science
November 18, 1939

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