I wish to express my gratitude to God for Christian Science

I wish to express my gratitude to God for Christian Science. I did not come into Science for healing, but from the standpoint of religious interest. I had always loved the church to which I belonged, but I became dissatisfied; I seemed to be searching for something, but did not know what it was. About that time, a friend asked me to go to a Christian Science service with her, and I did so. To me the service was beautiful and inspiring. I felt so happy and uplifted that I knew that what I wanted was what this religion was teaching. I started to read Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and as the truth unfolded to me, to my surprise, false beliefs disappeared and more harmony was manifested.

I have had many beautiful healings, but I should like to relate one which has been a beacon light to me. About two years ago I had sties on both eyelids. I asked for help from a practitioner, and as the work was taken up it uncovered the argument that I was holding on to resentment and fear. I was told that I must love more, that I must let go of the false suggestions, and then I should be healed; and so it was. However, several months later error appeared in the same guise and suggested that I again call for help, but I did not. I knew that if I relied on God He would give me all the understanding I needed. I worked for greater understanding, more inspiration, more courage, and tried to love more. I did not seem to be getting any better, but I knew that if I continued to hold to the truth it would remove whatever was wrong. Error then tried lo discourage me by the suggestion that Christian Science does not heal, but I denied this immediately and declared that Christian Science heals perfectly and completely, as I had demonstrated many times before.

It seemed as though the more I worked, the more error tried to voice itself. One night I was communing with God and I told Him I had done all I could; and the angel-thought came to me, "Be still, and know that I am God." I was still, and then my consciousness was filled with the realization of God's goodness, power, and presence, and I knew that I live in Him and, therefore, reflect His goodness; that evil does not exist, and that good fills all space and is everywhere. The realization of this truth came to me so clearly that the error disappeared entirely and I was healed. I have always been very grateful for this healing, for I learned many needed lessons during the experience.

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Testimony of Healing
For a long time I have wanted to see a testimony from...
January 14, 1939

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