The Spirit of Christmas

What is the spirit of Christmas? ... Wise,
Seeing world-widely with kindly eyes,
Hearing full truly with ears of love,
Speaking resoundingly from above
The darkling senses and ways of woe:
"Whence all these earth pangs? Wherefore go
Seeking, O man, through a wilderness
Balm for the human mind's distress?
Know'st not the secret, still adorning
That age-old message of Christmas morning,
Peace on earth?"

Echoing down from the Bethlehem hills,
Calmly it banishes, heals, and stills
Old trembling dreads and tomorrow-fears,
Old residue of forgotten years;
And, showing the Christ-idea, still new—
A Christmas measured the whole year through—
Gives reassurance from heaven sent:
The government—aye, the government
Rests on his shoulders!
O Counselor,
Could man, God-guarded, ask for more?
Peace on earth!

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Signs of the Times
December 25, 1937

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