It is not the desire of Christian Scientists to enter into...

Craven Herald

It is not the desire of Christian Scientists to enter into any controversy about their religion; but it is necessary and right that misrepresentations should be dealt with and erroneous statements corrected.

Christian Scientists would be the last to decry or belittle in any way the efforts of doctors and nurses to alleviate the sufferings of mankind; but material methods are not the methods of Christ Jesus.

Christ Jesus proved the correctness of his own teaching: he never failed to demonstrate it. His disciples, however, sometimes failed, and on one occasion asked Jesus to explain their failure. He said, "This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting," which was equivalent to saying that that case demanded a larger measure of understanding than some others they had healed, and that a more sincere fast from the belief of life in matter was required. In other words, they needed to be more spiritually minded to heal a case of that nature. It is in this light that it is correct to say that Christian Science, spiritually understood, will heal all earth's ills.

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