Giving and Receiving

The world, generally, regards the problem of supply for its daily needs as involving merely a getting process, whereas a little reasoning on the subject from the standpoint of Christian Science shows that the solving of this problem is primarily a giving or expressing process. This fact became apparent to a class in a Christian Science Sunday School in considering the Lesson-Sermon on the subject of "Substance."

It was brought out in the class that in no human occupation can anyone receive until he gives. The day laborer must give of his labor before he is paid; the clerk must give of his services, the attorney of his advice, before they are recompensed; and the pupil in school must give receptive attention, alertness, diligence, promptness, perseverance, in order to receive an education. Also, throughout all mercantile business there must be both receiving and giving of goods and services before payment is given for them.

In Christian Science it is learned that God, Spirit, eternally gives man, His image and likeness, the substance of infinite Spirit as supply. Included in this giving, and inseparable from it, are the attributes of Spirit, such as wisdom, goodness, love, understanding, capacity, ability, abundance. Therefore, in spiritual being, God gives man the consciousness of infinite, indivisible substance as supply, and man gives forth continually all that God gives him.

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"Hour of development"
June 6, 1936

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