All orders and remittances for Mrs. Eddy's Works should be addressed to HARRY I. HUNT, Publishers' Agent, One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

In response to a growing demand for the Christian Science textbook in type larger than that used in the Cloth and Pocket Editions, the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy announce the publication on May 29, 1936, of a new edition of Science and Health, to be known as the Cleartype Edition, printed from the same clear, readable type as the Large Type or Readers' Edition, and containing the Comprehensive Index to the Marginal Headings.

The new edition is 7½ x 101/8 x 1 inches. Bound in black cloth, with round corners and gilt edges, it will be found suitable for use at the Reader's desk. List price $7.00, Reading Room price $6.30.

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June 6, 1936

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