It has been my privilege to read many testimonies of...

It has been my privilege to read many testimonies of healing in our periodicals since earnestly taking up the study of Christian Science. These testimonies have been of increasing value to me, and I am glad of an opportunity to acknowledge many benefits received.

In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy tells us (pp. 142, 143), "Truth is God's remedy for error of every kind, and Truth destroys only what is untrue." My first healing in Christian Science has always been remembered with much appreciation and gratitude because of the quick relief experienced from a nervous condition for which I was endeavoring to find a remedy. While I was in great distress mentally and physically, suffering from nervous indigestion, Christian Science was presented to me. Believing that what I ate was the direct cause of the suffering, I had eliminated most solid food from my diet. I was not able to sleep at night, and was very much afraid of being left alone, or to go out on the street alone. The doctor upon whom I relied told me he could not help me to any appreciable extent with medicine. He advised, however, that I keep as cheerful as possible and try to forget myself, but did not volunteer any instructions as to how the keeping cheerful was to be accomplished. I became very much discouraged and began to feel that there was no way to turn for relief from the problem. But there was a way and that way was opened to me through Christian Science.

I soon learned that it was not material food that needed to be eliminated from my diet but false material thinking from my consciousness. Discouragement needed to be replaced with courage, and more faith in good had to be realized; and this in turn brought more of the desired peace of mind and body. This improved way of thinking was made possible and practicable through the study of Christian Science. As more light was gained the man of God's creating, spiritual and not material, began to be revealed to me. One by one the various phases of discord yielded to the truth.

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Testimony of Healing
Deep gratitude for Christian Science compels me to write...
February 22, 1936

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