Spiritual Power

Spirituality is not a mysterious and remote quality. It can be attained by ordinary people. It is not reserved for the elect or for the favored few; it is for all. If we would be spiritually-minded, we can choose and elect to be so, and the radiant, glorious qualities of spiritual living will become ours.

The spiritually-minded recognize an existence not apparent to the physical senses, a universe of thoughts and ideas, created and governed by Mind, which is infinite and perfect. They constantly turn away from the material and sensual because they become increasingly conscious of the true creation, which, as Mrs. Eddy says, "consists of the unfolding of spiritual ideas and their identities, which are embraced in the infinite Mind and forever reflected" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 503). They are unselfish and willing to sacrifice materiality for spiritual values. Thus they become rich in faith, filled with confidence regarding the purposes of God, and are never the victims of doubt and despair. They have spiritual resources and reserves which protect them in all circumstances and a keen interest in the development of those spiritual treasures, to which they constantly add.

People who become spiritually-minded often remark that they are losing their old friends and companions and gaining new ones. Superficial likes and preferences are disappearing, superseded by better and higher ones. Books, plays, radio broadcasts, people, are now required to contribute to their advancing spirituality; otherwise, they do not please. The reason that we have so much that is low and common in books, plays, and radio programs is that enough people have not, as yet, found that spiritual-mindedness which St. Paul tells us "is life and peace." When this spiritual-mindedness becomes more general—and we see encouraging evidence of this on every hand—public entertainment will have to supply a better grade of amusement and instruction.

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"The finger-posts of divine Science"
November 7, 1936

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