I was led to take up the study of Christian Science...

I was led to take up the study of Christian Science through witnessing the beautiful healing of a friend, and it is with great joy and gratitude that I testify to the help and healing its teachings have brought me.

Through the application of this law of Truth I was able to demonstrate over what seemed to be a very difficult problem—that of leaving home and starting one of my own. This I was anxious to do in order to take up the study of Christian Science. The dear ones with whom I lived, being very antagonistic to Christian Science, made many objections, saying, among other things, that I was taking away my monetary support, and that I could not afford to take this step. I am grateful to say that with my small understanding of this Science, and with the loving and patient help of a Christian Science practitioner, these objections were overcome, the change was made with complete harmony, and I received the most loving co-operation from them all. A home was found just within my means, and I can honestly say I have never lacked ample supply; and blessing upon blessing has come to me.

It is difficult to express in words the gratitude I feel for all that Christian Science has done for me. It has helped me to overcome fear to some extent, and I have also had an instantaneous healing of what seemed to be an abscess under one of my teeth. The tooth was aching badly and it was not possible to bite with it. I asked for help and the condition was healed within the hour.

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Testimony of Healing
For some time I have had a desire to express my gratitude...
January 4, 1936

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