
How beautiful is the message contained in the third and fourth verses of the twenty-fourth Psalm: "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully"! Very simple; yet, how true! He that is pure in his thoughts, clean in his living, humble, and honest—he shall progress spiritually.

The purpose of Christian Science is to aid men spiritually; to acquaint them with divine reality—God and His creation—and, by inference, inform them regarding the unreal. By this means it empowers them to cast the false out of their consciousness, and so become increasingly more spiritually-minded—purer, happier, healthier, holier. It finds many in the rough, so to speak, and by presenting to them the perfect spiritual model shows them what they must discard in their thinking to conform to that model.

What is the perfect model which Christian Science holds before the spiritual vision of mankind? It is the real man. And who is the real man? He is the image of God, even as the Bible declares him to be. Nothing could be plainer than the teaching of Christian Science on the nature of the real man. God, infinite Mind, is reflected or expressed by man, His idea. Thus man, the reflection of God, is cognizant of the perfect spiritual ideas or qualities which constitute Deity. Perfection is manifested by him; harmony, purity, goodness, love, health, but not a trace of the opposite of these. Inharmony, impurity, lovelessness, evil, disease, have no place in man because they have no place in God. Being utterly unlike perfect Mind, they are utterly unreal.

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Testifying for Truth
June 8, 1935

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