I found Christian Science at a time of great need

I found Christian Science at a time of great need. I was suffering from spinal trouble, nerve exhaustion, and a condition of weakened heart which caused extreme palpitation. I had undergone an operation and had been treated by many doctors in a number of hospitals and sanitariums. At the end of two years, when the doctors had done all they could for me, I returned home on Christmas Eve. Later in the evening, when I was alone and greatly disheartened, a friend brought me a copy of the Christian Science Sentinel. I became interested in an article based on the ninety-first Psalm. Through the explanations of Truth in the article I saw clearly that God does not send evil, but that He does care for and protect all His children. The next day I was so much better that I was able to get up and go to the country with my friends. Soon after this I bought a copy of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and began to read it. I knew that I had found God.

Several months later, when I was away from home, I was taken ill with typhoid fever. By using the little I had been able to grasp of Christian Science, particularly by clinging to the truths expressed in the ninety-first Psalm, I was able to keep about, and in ten days I was completely healed. When I returned home I went to a Christian Science practitioner, who expressed much love and tireless patience. I was so absorbed in applying an understanding of Principle to family problems that I did not tell the practitioner about my physical difficulty; in fact, I did not know that Christian Science could heal so-called incurable diseases. But as we worked along, seeking peace in learning about God and His perfect image and likeness, spiritual man, one by one the chains holding me in material bondage were broken. This experience showed me that as we are newborn in Spirit the physical healing takes place. It proved to me the truth of Mrs. Eddy's statement on page 548 of Science and Health: "Every agony of mortal error helps error to destroy error, and so aids the apprehension of immortal Truth. This is the new birth going on hourly, by which men may entertain angels, the true ideas of God, the spiritual sense of being."

Because it was a copy of the Sentinel that brought me my first light, I have had an added interest and an especial joy in serving on a Literature Distribution Committee. The healings that I have witnessed or known of through this work, and all the other healings that I have seen, make my heart overflow with gratitude to Mary Baker Eddy for giving us Christian Science.—(Mrs.) Beatrice Avery Welton, Boston, Massachusetts.

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Testimony of Healing
It is about twelve years since I first took up the study of...
June 8, 1935

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