Items of Interest

This week's number of the Sentinel contains a notice of the Publishing Society's issuance, in new edition, of the book entitled "Christian Science and Its Discoverer," by Miss E. Mary Ramsay, of Edinburgh, Scotland.

In 1913 Miss Ramsay was Committee on Publication for the eastern half of Scotland, and she necessarily wrote for the newspapers in her district and corrected any misstatements that appeared in them regarding Mrs. Eddy. An Edinburgh publisher asked her to prepare for his publication a small volume regarding Mrs. Eddy and her teachings. He expected it to be one of a series of books he would publish, each to be written by a representative of the teaching it described. She discussed the idea with some members of The Christian Science Board of Directors in Boston. Conditions were so changed by political events and the tragedy of war that nothing was done for a time about publishing the book which Miss Ramsay had written. In 1923 the manuscript was published in modest form at Cambridge, England, and the next year was reprinted with additions. Naturally its chief distribution was within the British Commonwealth of Nations; but now that it has been acquired and republished by The Christian Science Publishing Society, its distribution will be more widespread.

In revising the book, the author had the benefit of correct information from the Editor of the Bureau of History and Records of The Mother Church, and some aid also from others acquainted with the events and history involved. Mrs. Eddy's life is here presented from the standpoint of what she herself accomplished. The book contains marginal references to Mrs. Eddy's writings, whereby further acquaintance can be made with the motive and purpose which animated the Leader of the Christian Science movement in her efforts to inspire mankind with the true understanding of primitive Christianity, through the reinstatement in Christian Science of the healing work done by Christ Jesus.

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June 1, 1935

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