"The All and Only"

The beauty and power of Jesus' life lay in his consistent recognition and proof of divine sonship. Because he was imbued with the spirit of Truth and Love without measure, material sense evidence was unreal to him. The gauge by which he distinguished between right and wrong, voiced omnipotent Truth, and rebuked impotent error was the perfection of God imaged in man. This was the basis from which he healed with unchallengeable authority. "I proceeded forth and came from God," he said; "neither came I of myself, but he sent me."

Without reservation, Christian Science accepts Christ Jesus as humanity's Exemplar. It points out that whoever would follow his example in thought, word, and action must reason as he did from the basis of God, must abide by the divine logic of infinite good. Taking his stand for sonship and against everything opposed to it, the Christian Scientist is required to accredit and love only that which emanates from divine Principle. God is glorified as each one faithfully turns away from every infliction, affliction, and temptation contrary to the legacy from Father to son. This mental attitude lets in the spiritual light which steadily eradicates discord in human consciousness.

The belief that anything temporal or imperfect has been imposed either upon God by some hypothetical power or by God upon His image, is superstitious, presumptuous; and for this superstition and presumption humanity in general has pain and is paying the heavy tax of sin, sickness, and mortality. But the spiritually illumined Christian Scientist refuses any longer to pay this tax on materiality, for with profound relief he recognizes his indebtedness to God alone for life, health; and righteousness. Rejoicing in this indebtedness, this divine dependence and support, and proving it in multiplied evidences of harmony, he ceases paying toll to the carnal mind, which is "enmity against God" and enmity against man.

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Items of Interest
Items of Interest
April 20, 1935

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