All orders and remittances for Mrs. Eddy's Works should be addressed to Harry I. Hunt, Publishers' Agent, One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. A.

The publication of a vest pocket edition of Science and Health in antique grain, autumn brown morocco, now makes this edition of the textbook available in black, blue, or brown morocco, paper lined. The brown cover of the new edition is the same as the autumn brown morocco of the Progress Edition of Science and Health. The price of the new edition is $3.00 a copy. Orders and remittances should be sent to Harry I Hunt, Publishers' Agent, One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

The Trustees under the Will announce the publication of Poems in blue and brown morocco, uniform in size with the pocket editions of Science and Health and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy.

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February 23, 1935

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