My first introduction to Christian Science was during the...

My first introduction to Christian Science was during the war, when I was serving as a flying officer in the British Expeditionary Force in Belgium. The Christian Science Literature Distribution Committee attached to the British Army had sent to the squadron six copies of The Christian Science Monitor, our daily newspaper, which were brought to the officers' mess. I distinctly remember looking through those Monitors endeavoring to find more information on Christian Science, but without avail. Three months later, at a time of great need, whilst I was in a hospital, a brother officer lent me his copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and I shall never forget the wonderful spiritual uplifting I experienced at that time.

I may say that from the time I began the study of Christian Science the war was virtually over for me, for shortly afterward my squadron was withdrawn from the lines and soon I was transferred to home establishment in England, being sent overseas again only a few days before the Armistice. In England I availed myself of all the privileges of attending church services and lectures, making use of the Christian Science Reading Rooms, and having the help of Christian Science practitioners. Many beautiful friendships were made at that time, which have endured until this day, and for which I am very grateful.

During these years I have had many healings of minor illnesses, such as colds, headaches, sprains, muscular stiffness, all of which have been overcome either by my own application of the truth as taught in Christian Science or with the aid of practitioners, for whose consecrated work I am very grateful. I am most grateful for the protection I have experienced through Christian Science during all these years. Especially am I grateful for the protection Science has been to me in business problems.

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Testimony of Healing
"Love supports the struggling heart until it ceases to sigh...
November 9, 1935

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