Audible and Inaudible Treatment

It is probable that most of the treatments given by Christian Science practitioners are silent or inaudible treatments. For various reasons this is quite understandable and, under all the existing circumstances, quite as it should be. It would not, however, be well for practitioners—and all who are demonstrating the truth of being for themselves and for others are practitioners—to give only silent treatments. There are frequently circumstances in which the spoken word is desirable as well as efficacious. "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."

From the Gospel record of the healing ministrations of Jesus the Christ, it would appear that most of his healing was accomplished through what may be termed audible treatment, and it is noteworthy that practically all of the healings brought about by Jesus in this manner were instantaneous. He spoke the truth with conviction and authority based upon complete understanding of the power and presence of infinite Mind, Spirit, God, to whom he referred as the Father; and this healed sin, sickness, and even death, often instantaneously.

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One Manifestation
November 9, 1935

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