When I first became interested in Christian Science, it...

When I first became interested in Christian Science, it was for no specific healing, but to investigate its teaching. After several months of constant reading of the textbook I was healed of defective eyesight and of the necessity for wearing glasses, which I had used for reading since childhood. Continuous headaches, which so often come with this trouble, also vanished. Since this healing, which occurred about fourteen years ago, it has been necessary in recent years to do very exacting work under artificial light, and I have done so with perfect ease and comfort.

I am grateful for this first healing, as it has enabled me to study more earnestly this textbook by our beloved Leader, and her other writings. Through this study I have had other healings, such as of continuous colds, a stubborn cough, chronic constipation and bowel trouble, infection in a hand and foot, and difficulty in walking. Now I am able to walk with complete comfort and freedom from pain.

While I am indeed grateful for these physical healings, I am more grateful for the change of consciousness manifested through the study of Christian Science in the healing of resentment, criticism, self-pity, and erroneous talking and thinking. Words fail to express my gratitude for all the good that has come into my experience through the study and application of this wonderful truth.

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Testimony of Healing
The first definite statement made to me of Christian Science...
August 4, 1934

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