In your paper a correspondent comments upon the Christian Science...

Walsall Times

In your paper a correspondent comments upon the Christian Science lecture recently reported in your columns, and offers to make clear what he considers the lecturer has not done, namely, the origin of a sinning mortal, or material man.

Your correspondent misrepresents the teachings of Christian Science to such an extent that it would seem well for him to grasp its true meaning and study its Tenets before attempting to elucidate its nature.

Briefly, these are his confusions. He accuses spiritual man of being the originator and upholder of materiality and its false beliefs. He attributes interpreatations to Mrs. Eddy's writings entirely different from their meaning; in fact, he unashamedly admits that the inferences he draws were not stated by Mrs. Eddy. He is unable to differentiate between spiritual man, made in God's image, and the mortal counterfeit, beginning in dust or a material embryo. He advises Christian Scientists to look for the return here of Mrs. Eddy in "renewed form" in order to complete her work, and demonstrate what she taught.

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